Sunday, August 30, 2009

Isis and Anubis - 1997

Ink drawing of ancient Egyptian gods Isis, goddess of motherhood and fertility, and Anubis, guide of the deceased to the netherworld. Isis holds cow's head, which was stitched by the Thoth in place of her human head.

Veteran - 1997

Graphite and ink drawing of drinking disabled veteran. A little bit of photoshop for old paper look.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Personal website

Finally, after a year or so Ive managed to complete my personal website. Almost all of my sketches, drawings and paintings uploaded there -

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dead Cat - 1996

Graphite pencil and Indian ink drawing of a cat I saw beside the road back in Ukraine. Made for rock band CD cover.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Crippled Homeless - 1998

Drawing of the crippled homeless drunk, wondered around central squares in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graphite pencil, Indian ink, pastel, sanguine.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unfinished Drawing - 1998

Another unfinished drawing I made while listening a professor's speech in my university. Graphite, black ink. 1998.

Skull and Lizard - 1997

Unfinished drawing from 1997. I dont think Ill ever finish it. Dont even remember what was the idea.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Siamese Twins - 1997

One of my first sketches, done with graphite and black ink back in 1997. Inspired by Siamese Twins song (The Cure) and Edvard Munch's "The Scream". The "A" letter is missing and I decided not to change this in Photoshop.

As this is my first entry here, I named the blog after it.